
Swansea Bay University Health Board welcomes you to join our amazing midwifery team and help us support the women of Swansea Bay and surrounding communities.
Our team values were developed by listening to service users, the community, and our staff. They show our commitment to equality and are at the centre of everything we do. These are – caring for each other, working together and always improving. This is something that we in maternity services strive for each and every day.
Midwifery at Swansea Bay UHB
Swansea Bay UHB covers a population of around 390,000 in Neath, Port Talbot, and Swansea areas.
Singleton Hospital, hosts a range of maternity services, including:
- Antenatal clinics
- Day assessment unit
- Acute assessment unit
- Ante-natal ward
- Our midwifery-led bay birth unit
- Labour ward
- Postnatal ward
- Obstetric theatre
- Close links with our tertiary neonatal unit on site and transitionary care unit on antenatal ward
Alongside Singleton Hospital we have a Community Midwifery Team which supports patients in the community.
Neath Port Talbot Hospital maternity services include:
- Antenatal clinics
- Day Assessment Unit
- Midwifery Led Unit
We also have a Community Midwifery Team in Neath Port Talbot which supports patients in the community.

Career pathway
There is a wide range of roles and career opportunities to discover within our Maternity Services division.
Registered staff:
- Band 5 Midwives
- Band 6 Midwives
- Band 7 Midwives (including specialist midwives, Co-ordinators and ward managers)
- Senior Managers (registered midwives)
Support Staff:
- Maternity Care Assistants
- Nursery Nurses
- Administrative Roles:
- Ward Clerks
- Secretaries
- ANC Receptionists
- Support Manager
- Service Manager

Why choose Swansea Bay
UHB for Midwifery
At Swansea Bay UHB we are proud of our amazing Midwifery team which supports the women of Swansea and surrounding communities. We have a variety of roles within the service which include:
- Midwives – We advertise separately for Obstetric Unit and Community & Ante-natal Clinic roles to ensure we place you in the area of your choice and develop you in your preferred areas of interest.
- Specialist Midwives – We have a variety of specialist midwifery roles within Swansea Bay UHB and strive to provide specialist care through our midwives wherever possible – working towards achieving our goal of continuity of care.
- Health Care Support Workers – We have HCSW roles within our Obstetric Unit and Antenatal Clinic and clear pathways for development should you wish to progress in this area within our service.
- Maternity Care Assistants (Band 3 & 4 roles) – We have Band 3 MCA roles in our Obstetric Unit and our Community Teams and are looking at developing a Band 4 role soon.
- Nursery Nurses – Our clinical support team also includes Nursery Nurse roles which support our postnatal ward.
- Administration roles – We have a number of different administration roles within Maternity Services, these include antenatal clinic reception staff, ward clerks, and supervisors.
Our staff provides supportive care to women throughout all stages of pregnancy and childbirth either within a community or hospital setting, ensuring women have access to excellent midwifery support and advice on a 24-hour basis.
This is such an exciting time to join a team that at the forefront of transforming services to meet the needs of its population now and for the future.

Find out why you should work for us.
See a full list of employee benefits.
There is a wide range of roles and career opportunities to discover within our Maternity Services division.
As a qualified midwife, you have a wide range of opportunities open to you......
Support staff
Swansea Bay UHB is keen to provide for the development of our support staff. The roles currently on offer are Health Care Support Workers, Maternity Care Assistants, and Nursery Nurses...
Admin staff
We have several roles within our Maternity administrative team which range from Band 2 to Band 7...
There is a real sense of belonging at the
health board and in my local community